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Scoala ski & snowboard din Poiana Brasov

80% din toate lecțiile de ski și snowboard  oferite de R&J Scoala de Ski  din Poiana Brasov sunt recenzate. Recenziile verificate de la clienții anteriori ai unui instructor, oferă informații neprețuite atunci când trebuie sa alegi un instructor. Puteți vedea dacă un instructor oferă în mod regulat un serviciu de înaltă calitate și tipurile de lecții de schi sau snowboard pe care le-au oferit anterior.

Profesori de ski focusati pe nevoile fiecarui oaspete

Fiecare oaspete este unic. De aceea am dezvoltat o metodă de predare centrată în jurul dumneavoastra. Instructorii noștri vor colabora cu dvs. pentru a vă înțelege aptitudinile și nevoile individuale, apoi vor proiecta o lecție care vă va ajuta să profitați la maximum de experiența școlii de ski.



Scoala Ski Poiana Brasov

Cuvintele de apreciere sunt cea mai puternică forţă de bine pe pământ.Cuvintele de apreciere sunt cea mai puternică forţă de bine pe pământ.
Împărtășiți opinia dvs. despre noi. Descrieți experiența dvs. din timpul lecțiilor. Opinia dvs. este importantă pentru noi.Împărtășiți opinia dvs. despre noi. Descrieți experiența dvs. din timpul lecțiilor. Opinia dvs. este importantă pentru noi.

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360 reviews

Michael Fishilevich

חנות השכרת ציוד מאוד מומלצת, כולל בית ספר לסקי. מקצועיים ועוזרים בהכל. משפחה שמנהלת את העסק. כולל הסעות לגונדולה הלוך חזור. ממליצים במיוחד על מדריך אדי.

Catalin Ureche

Amabilitate maxima, un nivel de profesionalism desăvârșit, m-au ajutat sa înțeleg exact ce trebuie sa fac pentru a alege corect echipamentul potrivit pentru a ma bucura de fiecare coborâre!
Dl. Janin, un profesionist excepțional! Recomand cu încredere! Înainte sa iti alegi clăparii musai trebuie sa il contactezi!!!
Va mulțumesc!

לינוי א

We had an amazing experience
They were so nice and help us so much
The best people i ever met!!!!!


Great experience, highly recommended and appreciated! We was at the school with our daughters for 5 days and they been thought and supported throughout the process! Great team by dedicated people..our trainers Andrei and Radu were 10 Stars! Beautiful experience for the beginners!!

Escu John

Venim de 2 ani cu copiii la scoala de ski R&J si sunt foarte mutumit de servicile integrate le care le ofera :incepand cu instructorii de schi si echipamentele de buna calitate pana la transportul catre/de la partie.In plus anul trecut am cumparat o pereche de clapari, pe care Janin mi i- a personalizat prin tehnologia de bootfitting, astfel incat acum am un confort sporit si un control mult mai bun cand schiez . Felicitari intregii echipe pentru atmosfera creata, ajutorul acordat de fiecare data cand a fost nevoie, va multumim si asteptam sa revenim cat mai curand! Bogdan

oren arbell

Roxana and Jenin the owners were very friendly and kind and gave us a lot of useful information and advice. The pricing is great and it was definitely good value for money with good equipment and a great teacher (Valy) – My son took his first ever snowboarding lessons and in just 3 days was able to snowboard on his own all the way down.

Michael Heffernan

My experience of R&J has been excellent.I have come to skiing very late in life and I consider myself very lucky to have found ski instructors that have encouraged me to learn and improve. I have at all times felt safe and secure on the ski slopes with the R&J instructors(Nico last year 2023 and Andrei this year 2024) and this has given me the confidence to keep progressing and improving. The learning experience has been fun. I was very much a beginner in 2023 but this year 2024 I felt like I was really skiing and in felt fantastic. I did not worry for a second as Andrei led me down the slopes this year. It was a brilliant experience for me. I learned a lot from skiing with Andrei and I intend to use that knowledge to become a better skier. The overall service (including ski equipment and the transport (well done Dan) to and from the slopes) was flawless. I really feel comfortable using R&J and I highly recommend their services to skiers of all levels.

Yaron K

I had a great time learning to ski at Ski R&J Ski School Poiana Brasov with Roxana and Uriah for 4 days, along with two of my friends. They are very professional, friendly, and patient instructors who taught us the basics of skiing and helped us improve our skills and confidence on the slopes. The ski school is well-equipped, clean, and organized, and the staff are helpful and courteous. The location is also beautiful, and there is a very convenient transport from the rental store to the slope and back. I highly recommend Ski R&J Ski School Poiana Brasov to anyone who wants to learn to ski or improve their skiing abilities in a fun and safe environment.

Padraigh Kinnaird

I have been Skiing for many years and R&J are the best experience I have had hands down.

If you are looking for a professional boot fitter Janin is as good as it gets.

Roxana organised everything for me for a seamless trip and the Ski tuition from Radu was exceptional.

I would give them a 10 Star rating but Google only allow 5.

sneaky step

The staff is amazing,very kind and helpful!!the equipment is of great quality and the boot fitting is perfect.They are very professional!!

Rachel Meageen

WOW!! What an incredible service from R&J ski school. We rented equipment for three days, each morning we were greeted by Roxanna and team who were always super friendly! Our stuff was ready for us to put on straight away and then the shuttle car took us straight to the slopes. As soon as we had finished skiing the car picked us up and took us straight back to the shop where the team asked about our day! First time in Poiana Brasov will definitely return and every time we will us R&J’s to hire our skis from. Thank you :))

Barbara Barbara

Best experience we had in the mountain!
Staff is impeccable and made our holidays very special and unforgettable.
Adi was my instructor and the most amazing and encouraging person, I felt very lucky to have him as instructor and always having the best energy during the days together and all the challenges.
Thanks again Adi and the team for such a great experience! I can’t recommend enough

André Augusto Joel

Not only amazing to learn but to have fun with amazing people!! Also, great equipment to rent!
I loved my snowboard class with Horatiu, very detailed and technique focused!!


I had private lessons with Adi, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I’d like to highlight the following points:
– He is extremely knowledgeable and quickly taught me the right techniques, helping me improve rapidly.
– We didn’t waste any time; we learned new things swiftly, allowing me to try more challenging slopes sooner.
– As a beginner, I always felt secure.
– Adrian provides precise and effective guidance.
– The entire ski school team is friendly, accommodating, and helpful, addressing individual preferences from initial contact to lesson flexibility, equipment exchange (even mid-lesson), and assistance.
I also compared prices with another ski school, and here they were lower without compromising quality. Thank you! I had a great time and will return.

Alan Bogdanov

R&J ski school is the place to go if your an experienced skier and need a quality rental. I found myself in brasov last minute and other ski rental shops didn’t have what I was looking for. This place had skis for me waxed and sharp. I was able to enjoy my vacation because I had comfortable boots and good skis. The shop gave us a good price for 2 days of skiing. Another bonus was the free taxi that they offer that takes you to the slope and back to the shop. No need to carry heavy equipment. The staff was friendly, helpful, and professional. I recommend this rental place to anyone in brasov.

Bobbi Robertsont

I totally agree with the comment below about wishing we could give R&J six stars on Google! My experience with them during two private ski lessons was excellent. They were highly professional, communication was effortless, and the team was incredibly friendly and welcoming. Andrew, my instructor, was fantastic – experienced, patient, and very encouraging. A big thank you to R&J for providing such a safe and fun experience!

נוית שמאי

בית ספר סקי הכי טוב בעולם!
היה מעל ומעבר לכל הציפיות שלי!
עוד לפני הטיפול רוקסנה המדהימה והסובלנית ענתה לכל השאלות שלנו ועזרה לנו לתאם מלון ושעות שיתאימו לנו. הגענו ביום הראשון בבוקר משפחה של 5 נפשות, חיכה צוות שלם רק לנו וכל אחד קיבל יחס אישי, וככה במהירות כל אחד קיבל את הציוד המדוייק עבורו.
לבעלי היו כאבים בגלל פלטפוס, ג’נין דאג לו ועשה לו מדרסים מיוחדים כדי שיוכל להמשיך לגלוש. אף מקום בעולם לא היה דואג לו ככה!!!
ובכלל לא התחלתי לדבר על המדריכים, הם פשוט ליוו אותנו, הקדישו לנו את כל תשומת הלב והאנרגיות , דאגו לטכניקה, למקסמם את הזמן, לערך המוסף ולבטיחות. פשוט נפרדנו בדמעות.
הדי – ליווה אותי ואת בעלי, כל כך הרבה ניסיון בהדרכה, היכולת לצקת תחושת בטחון גם בשיפועים קשים, להתגבר עם כל אחד כל מה שעוצר אותו, להשקיע בטכניקה, לגלוש את כל המדרון הפוך בשביל לצלם 🙂
כריסטי- קיבל את הבן 4 שלי, הילד פשוט עזב לי את היד והלך.. ביום השני כבר קיבלתי סרטון שלו גולש. הגישה שלו ולמרות מחסום השפה איפשרה לי לסמוך עליו בעיניים עצומות.
בוגדן- ספורטאי בחסד, החיוך לא יורד לעולם מפניו. קיבל את בן ה 10 שלי שביום השני כבר ירד את ההר. הילד כל כך נשבה אחריו שלא ראיתי אותו 5 ימים.
אורציו- ליווה את בן ה 13 שלי שלקח את אתגר הסנו בורד. למרות שזה הרבה יותר קשה ללמידה, הוא הצליח בזכות ההתמדה והליווי. בסוף היום השני הילד אמר לי , אמא את יודעת שאני אוהב אותו? זה לא משהו ששומעים ממתבגר כל יום.
בקיצור, לא לחשוב פעמיים, זה המקום בשבילכם !
R& j אוהבים אותכם מאוד ונתראה שנה הבאה

George Louka

If there was an option for 6 star, i would definitely put it. Very professional and friendly service. Multiple options and professional equipment. The best instructors. And very nice perk that they provide a taxi ride from the rental place up to the mountain!!!!


Очень понравилось обслуживание:
Всегда помогу советами, как правльно обувать, носить и снимать лыжный костюм.
Привозят и увозят со склона.

Gary Munitz

My family and I had a great time with R&J. They were very friendly, professional and Roxana was an amazing instructor. Janin met us with coffee at the bottom of the slope. Honestly couldn’t have hoped for a better experience.

דור שפסה

Thanks for the teams in that school they are pros and very nice

Oleksandr Yasnytsky

Excellent impression. Excellent equipment. Owners became nearly friends after the lessons and week in Poiana. Next season definitely will come back for equipment and more of lessons. My wife was extremely happy with Roxana. We were allowed to keep equip over nights with us, so a lot of time saved. All the best and lots of snow! Keep going great way!

Madalin Stan

Very professional.
One of the best experiences I’ve ever had with an instructor.

Michal Kafri

I want to highly recommend R&J Ski School because of a lot of things. First, and most importantly are the owners, Janin and Roxanh, very nice, sweet honest people, two professional skiers who employs only professional ski instructors. The equipment is top of the notch and in a very good condition. The ski school is located not too far from the slops and the school has a shuttle that goes on a very frequent basis to and from the slops, which makes it very easy with the equipment. The prices are fair and reasonable. I had a great experience and although I am not a young person I have learned to ski in 5 lessons, and have no doubt that I will return next year to practice and improve what I have already learned. Michal

Regnar Shoko

The best place for learning ski in Poiana Braşov and the instructors are very good with very good English 5 stars

Shadi Omar

Thank you Roxana for all the help.
Best school in Poiana Brasov, go for it!

Towfeek Dahla

בית ספר מעולה , ליווי צמוד ויחס אישי לכל אחד ואחת מחברי הקבוצה.
כבר מיום השני לקחו אותנו למסלול הקשה ואתגרי ביותר

מיטל לסקר

חוויה מצויינת, מדריך מעולה ונחמד. בעל בית הספר ואישתו מאוד נחמדים ואדיבים.
המחיר נמוך ממקומות אחרים שבדקתי והציוד שמור ואיכותי

tarek sawara

R&J הוא בית ספר סנובורד וסקי מצוין בפויאנה ברשוב. המדריכים מיומנים ואכפתיים, מספקים תשומת לב אישית ויוצרים אטמוספירה מסביבה לסטודנטים. בין אם אתה רוכב מתחיל או מתקדם, R&J הוא המקום המושלם לשפר את הכישורים שלך ולהנות במסלולים.

המדריכים ב-R&J דואגים לאושר הלקוחות יותר מאשר לכסף ומשקיעים מאמצים רבים כדי להבטיח שכל לקוח מרגיש מרוצה ומשועשע בסטטוסים שלו

Odai Odeh

מאוד מקצועי, מאוד נחמדים, מורים מצוינים, מלמדים מאפס עד רמה גבוהה, שווה הכסף

Tiberiu Oprea

Am avut o experienta minunata la scoala de schi R&J. Instructorul meu, Adi, a fost unul dintre cei mai buni instructori de schi pe care i-am intalnit vreodata.

De la inceput, Adi a fost extrem de rabdator si atent la nevoile mele. El mi-a oferit feedbackul necesar pentru a ma ajuta sa imi imbunatatesc tehnica. Cu fiecare lectie, am observat o imbunatatire semnificativa in abilitatele mele de schi, ceea ce a facut experienta mult mai placuta.

Recomand cu caldura aceasta scoala de schi si in special pe instructorul Adi.

Or Bayo

Great place, great instructors, really nice people and professional.
Had a great time!

mimi cashdan

We had a great time, very good instructors for beginners, highly recommend!

Caroline Nelly

Janin and Roxana are so friendly and helpful. The ski hire is reasonably priced, they drop you and pick you up from the slopes. The parking is free. I had lessons with Gino which helped me progress. They deserve their 5 star reviews.

לירן אידלמן

ואוו ואוו ואוו חוויה מטורפת, לקחנו מדריך פרטי וציוד לסנובורד, בהתחלה לא ידעתי כלום, ותוך שעתיים התחלתי לגלוש חופשי לבד.
המדריך היה באמת נחמד וסבלני, לימד אותנו ונתן לכל אחד מאיתנו התייחסות וזמן אישי.

אילן מרנדיץ'

היום סיימתי 4 ימי סקי בפויאנה בראשוב. היו 4 ימים של מנוחה טובה ונעימה עם המשפחה. החופשה הזו לא הייתה טובה ונעימה ללא העזרה המקצועית של בית הספר לסקי R&J. רוקסנה וג’נין הם שני אנשים עם אות גדולה. תודה רבה, רוקסנה וג’נין, על שהייתם איתנו בחופשה זו. אני ממליץ לכולם להגיע לבית הספר הזה לסקי.

אילן מרנדיץ'

Azi am terminat 4 zile de ski la Poiana Brașov. Au fost 4 zile de odihnă bună și plăcută cu familia. Aceasta odihnă nu ar fi fost bună și plăcută fără de ajutorul profesional al școlii de ski R&J. Roxana și Janin sunt doi oameni cu litera mare .
Mulțumesc frumos vouă Roxana și Janin că ați fost alături de noi la vacanță aceata. Eu recomandez la toți să vină la această școală de ski.
היום סיימתי 4 ימי סקי בפויאנה בראשוב. היו 4 ימים של מנוחה טובה ונעימה עם המשפחה. החופשה הזו לא הייתה טובה ונעימה ללא העזרה המקצועית של בית הספר לסקי R&J. רוקסנה וג’נין הם שני אנשים עם אות גדולה. תודה רבה, רוקסנה וג’נין, על שהייתם איתנו בחופשה זו. אני ממליץ לכולם להגיע לבית הספר הזה לסקי.

Maria Hrib

O experienta foarte plăcută interacțiunea cu reprezentanții Ski Rental. Amabili, orientați spre client și mereu cu zâmbetul pe buze. De menționat pe lângă echipamentele de foarte bună calitate și serviciile oferite în prețul de închiriere, adică transport dus intors la orice pârtie din Poiana Brasov. Felicitări!!!

Margarit Bogdan

Great learning experience with Bogdan. Easy reservation on website and quality equipment.

Aishling Burke

The people working at R&J were friendly and professional from the moment we walked through the door. They had us kitted out with good quality skis, poles and helmets in no time at all. We were also able to rent gloves and buy socks when we realised we left ours behind. There’s parking available on the street nearby (24 lei for 24 hours).

R&J have a shuttle bus available to take you to the slopes and pick you up when you’re ready. You’ll be given a choice between Capra Neagra cable car (has a good beginners slope with button lifts at the bottom) or the Kanzel cable car (a bigger choice of lifts to access more of the slopes).


Excellent! I rented my ski gear here, by far the best quality rental gear in the entire resort. The team running the place was very knowledgable and able to properly fit me with everything, they were also funny and friendly as an added bonus! Will definitely be back!


The instructors were great!
Took a private lesson for my 6 years old first time, and 2 more couples lesson for my husband and I, and for my other 2 kids.
Roxana, Horatio and Haroi were wonderful, patient and we made great progress with them.
They give you a ride to the lift and back so no need to carry all the stuff.

Shaun Grech

Roxana is the best and most patient instructor ever. This school run by these wonderful people will make your experience totally perfect. Super efficient communication, fair prices, safety, great equipment, seamless experience. Highly recommended. Thank you for making it special for us!

Ilya Reym

Wonderful ski instructor and great time in Poiana Brasov

Sorana Toma

We had a great experience at Roxana’s and Jenin’s ski school! My 4 year old son discovered skiing for the first time with Roxana and Nicu, and really loved it!
They managed to make it fun for him to ski 2 hours in a row, and after 2 days he was almost independently skiing down the slope!
But most importantly, he really liked his instructors and had fun skiing, for which I am extremely grateful to both of them! And to the entire team for their flexibility and professionalism. We look forward to coming back next year!

אחים כהן ניסור וקידוח בטון

חוויה כייפית צוות נהדר
הכח טובים שיש

דניאל כהן

היה חוויה מצוינת שירות מעולה ויחס טוב עם מדרכים מצוינים

רזיאל לוי

אחד הדברים יש להם מדריכים סבלנים ומקצוענים

David C (Scott)

Had a great time learning to skii here! Definitely recommend!

Csaba Toro

Minőségi szolgáltatások

Gabriela Tomaru

Profesori de ski minunati, cu multa rabdare, un centru de boot fitting dotat la cel mai inalt nivel. Multumesc pentru setarea claparilor!
Recomant cu multa caldura!

Luana C

R&J Ski School is the place where my passion for skiing took of at a very young age. I’ve had the most amazing instructors and models to look up to. They helped me out a lot of situations teaching me about technique, but also equipment, as their center is all about that. Recently, they brought the newest boot fitting technology here, in Romania, where i had a chance of trying it out. I have never been 100% comfortable in my ski boots, so this was a game changer. They’ve got all different types of tools, such as a 3D scanner and a machine that morphs on your feet, to create the perfect fit. To top it all off, these procedures are done by certified professionals, so there’s no way this won’t be beneficial for your enjoyment out on the slopes.
I recommend the R&J Ski School with all of my heart, it’s one of the few companies left that actually love what they’re doing + doing it fair and square.
5 stars place and people!

Bogdan S

Locul potrivit unde sa găsești orice legat de ski….sfaturi și produse de top!!!!10 stele, nu doar 5. Respect pentru sfaturi și mii de mulțumiri!!!!

ישראל שפסה

בית ספר מספר R&J 1, לא רק בפויאנה ברשוב.בית ספר הכי טוב בכל רומניה.👏👏👏

Codrut Cursaru

Schiez de când ma știu, am folosit de la legăturile confecționate artizanal pe care le purtam împreună cu aceiași adidași cu care jucam fotbal, până la cele de top din competițiile de profil, împreună cu cei mai buni clăpari.
Niciodată nu am găsit clăparul care să se potrivească piciorului meu și care să-mi permită să mă bucur de schi din plin.
Toate acestea s-au schimbat după ce am trecut pragul celor de la R&J Ski School și am trecut prin întregul procesul de boot fiting. Acesta consta în măsurarea cu aparatură de ultimă generație a picioarelor și adaptarea tuturor componentelor clăparului conform cerințelor anatomice. Rezultatul este unul fabulos.
Recomand cu încredere întreaga procedură, precum și prețul care este unul mai mult decât decent.

Cristina Zamfirescu

Andreea a fost anul acesta monitor personal pentru fetita noastra de 4 ani, incepatoare, timp de o saptamana, 2h pe zi. Am fost foarte multumiti si de-a dreptul impresionati de progresul facut de copil sub ghidajul Andreei. Andreea este foarte rabdatoare, prietenoasa si stie sa evalueze si sa motiveze copiii. In plus, stie exact cand sa treaca la nivelul urmator de dificultate. Din a doua zi nu a mai avut nevoie sa stea langa ea la mai putin de 1m, i-a cantat melodii din Frozen si totul era facut asa incat copilul sa fie motivat sa progreseze, in joaca. Scoala de schi are toate facilitatile precum inchirierea de echipament, masina proprie pt deplasare la telecabina, spatiu depozitare incaltaminte strada etc. Regulile de siguranta si purtatul mastii se respecta. De asemenea, toti cei de la Scoala de ski R&J sunt foarte implicati si pasionati de schi si deschisi si comunicativi. Vom reveni cu siguranta la Andreea pe viitor!

Maria Carmen Mihai

We have a marvellous time and Gino our sky teacher was just amazing . The experience was great and we definitely will go back.
The only thing we did not quite like is that it states the lessons are one hour . The school did not mention that in fact is only fifty minutes as every hour there is a 10 minutes break . Fair enough. But I think it should be mention that. We were starting late (eg: for 2 hour clases 20 minutes late , or 3 hours clases finishing thirty minutes early)or finishing early and when we asked they explained that . Also when you use the sky pass you will pay your teacher pass as well. That was clear before hand and was explained , not issue with that but in my opininon that should be included ,as you already pay for the lessons.

Angela Scaueru

We got in touch with the school virtually and we got all the information via watzap. We had a very nice experience with the school (nicer than other instructors and renting we tried in other years) we also rented the equipment from them . We organised everything 1day in advance, the price was clear and transparent and we could pay by card or cash. Roxana, the instructors and the staff have been very warm and friendly. The kids loved their sky and snowboard instructors and they did great progress. The good thing is that part of the arrangement we had a car that took us to and from to the slopes we decided to take that day. That is great as we could sky without being too concerned as to which side of the sky slopes we would need to get to, so this gave us much more freedom and a feeling of ease knowing that no matter where we end up down the slope someone will pick us up.

Diana Gradinariu

Super profesionalisti. Am ramas uluiti de echipamentele profesioniste ,rabdarea si caldura cu care ne-a primit familia Trifan. (Desi am venit neanuntati intr-o zi de weekend in septembrie).Am si reusit sa gasim perechea de clapari si branturile perfecte, personalizate . Recomand tuturor celor ce isi doresc sa schieze confortabil sa apeleze la serviciile lor! Nota 10

Eran Ziv

I want to say that I chose the best ski school I could ask for Roxanna and Jenin You gave me and my children a service experience that will not be forgotten for a long time together with the team of instructors Lucio and Nick We had the pleasure to receive from your experience and see that you love what you do

אלירן מלכה

שירות מעולה, עלות הדרכה 300 ליי לשעתיים עלות הציוד ליום מכנס גלישה + סנואובורד עלה לי 80 ליי
מומלץ מאוד כולל הסעות לאתר הסקי, נמצא ממש קרוב לאתר.

Razvan Rada

O echipa super profi!
Am colaborat acum câțiva ani când cel mic nu împlinise nici 3 ani și cu siguranță acum la 5 ani a deprins lucrurile elementare ale acestui sport, dar și o prietenie frumoasa alături de Roxana. Foarte atenta și comunicativa cu cel mic a reușit sa construiască rapid o relație bazata pe încredere în propriile puteri dar și de siguranță.
Recomandăm tuturor !!!

Andrei Alexandrescu

Pentru mine schiul insemna durere continua din cauza unei probleme la picioare pe care o am din nastere – practic, pare ca am “glezna dubla” pe partea exterioara a picioarelor, insa este, de fapt, un mont, o excrescenta osoasa fara un rol anume. Aceste excrescente loveau direct in articulatia metalica a claparului, iar experienta mea de ski se transforma dupa 2 minute in “schiez si plang”.

Am vrut sa ma las anul acesta, dar in magazinul de ski al lui Romeo din Brancovenesti am primit numarul lui Janin cu urarea “este singurul din Romania care face asa ceva si te poate ajuta”.

Mi-a fost greu sa cred, dar am facut un ocol si m-am dus.

Janin are aparatura de ultima generatie, dar mai important, rabdare si pricepere. Am stat 3-4 ore impreuna, timp in care mi-a masurat picioarele, mi-a facut branturi anatomice dupa forma talpii ai mi-a ajustat claparii (vorbesc de plasticul dur exterior, nu de cizma interioara) astfel incat monturile sa aiba loc in clapar. Mi-a explicat tot ce trebuie sa stiu despre echipamente si despre importanta de a avea un clapar fix pe marimea mea luata in mondo point, pentru ca eu din cauza durerilor mi-am cumparat cu un numar jumatate mai mare – motiv pentru care acum imi clampane in picioare si pierd stabilitate in viraje.

In final vreau sa va spun concluzia mea – indiferent daca aveti sau nu probleme la picioare (monturi, marimi si calcaturi atipice etc), vorbiti cu Janin pentru boot-fitting. Veti economisi extrem de multi bani si timp, veti evita din capcanele de marketing atat de prezente in acest sport si veti ramane cu niste clapari care va vin manusa, pe care ii puteti tine toata viata.

Iuliana Savciuc

Scoala de Ski R&J este un loc fenomenal pentru un inceput de sezon de schiat, de aici puteți închiria un echipament full pentru schiat și direct de acizi puteți avea parte de cei mai faini antrenori de pe pârtia Brașovului domnișoara Andreea este o antrenoare minunată recomand acest loc cu încredere pentru toți doritorii care vor să aibă parte de o zi petrecută frumos și corect la ski

Patrick Gasperini

We had the most beautiful snow vacation with this school. I started to learn how to snowboard with Horatiu and my girlfriend how to ski with Gino. They are both excellent teachers. Teachers at this school take their time and are willing to let you learn all the correct techniques to master your board/skiers. After few lessons we both were confident on the snow and able to turn and brake properly. I highly recommend this school.

Iulia Gonta

Gino Libardi – un instructor de ski superb! Recomand pentru cei care doresc sa invete sa skieze sau sa-si imbunatateasca tehnica. Este o persoana minunata, care te sprijina, are rabdare si incredere, persevereaza si obtine rezultate. Un profesionist! Am ramas foarte multumita cum au evoluat orele de ski, m-am incarcat cu energie pozitiva si mi-a ramas o amintire frumoasa legata de experienta de ski din Poiana Brasov.


Great experience 🙂 the ski lessons were the best! thanks for everything

Alexandra Munteanu

A fost o experienta minunata si o recomand tuturor cu incredere. Sunt incepatoare si am apelat la R&J pentru cursuri de ski datorita ratingului foarte bun, iar rezervarea instructorului a fost facuta cu cateva zile inainte de a ajunge in Poiana. Am inchiriat o parte din echipament tot de la ei (clapari + schiuri + bete) si eu si logodnicul meu si amandoi am fost foarte multumiti. Personalul e foarte prietenos, de ajutor si au raspuns la toate intrebarile noastre. L-am avut instructor pe Alain care s-a ocupat cu mult profesionalism si rabdare in cele doua zile de initiere in ale schiului. Dorinta noastra este sa revenim tot la ei pentru echipament si pentru cateva ore de lectii cu Alain. 😊 Mulțumim mult R&j Ski School pentru amabilitate si pentru serviciile de calitate.

Iouliana Andrisan

I really enjoyed the lessons with Andrei; he was calm, friendly and he gave me really good advices and explained me the skiing techniques for beginners. The lessons were fun and at the end of them I felt confident enough to try to ski by myself. I warmly recommend them!

Roxana Colisniuc

Very nice, well organized and respectful crew. My 6 yo son had some ski lessons, I took the snowboarding ones. The instructors (Andrei & Horatiu) were well prepared, very friendly and cheerful and had a lot of patience with us. We felt they were really interested in making us succeed at being good skiers or snowboarders. I strongly recommend R&J as I don’t think you can find better ones in Poiana Brasov.

Georgiana Grecu

Eu și soțul am apelat la R&J pentru bootfitting. Am fost impresionați de profesionalismul, cunoștințele și sfaturile pe care le-am primit cu pasiune și căldură. Aparatura completa pentru bootfitting de ultima generație. Echipament de închiriat de foarte bună calitate. Recomandam cu încredere.

Dragos Ciortan

We had a very nice first day of learning to ski. Me and my future wife had Alain as our ski instructor, I totally recommend him as he is a very calm and helpful person with a vast experience in this field. The owners are very nice, polite and very helpful with any questions that you may have. I will recommend them for any of my friends who would like this kind of experience and we cannot wait for the next days were we will be able to learn to ski even better using all the knowledge they have. Keep up the good work!

Gino Libardi

Parte din reusita unei zi pe schiuri este echipamentul de calitate si mai ales … confortabil. La asta au contribuit din plin colegii mei, Janin si Roxana, care mi-au facut branturi personalizate, termoformare (bootfitting) a claparilor in zonele cu probleme si canting.
Recomand cu drag serviciile de calitate, avalansa de informatii si buna dispozitie care caraterizeaza duo-ul mai sus amintit. 🙂

beatrice bonioli

Amazing service, very kind people and great ski equipment. If you are going to ski in Poiana this is the best place to rent everything you need. The owner and the staff are friendly and very helpful. They even have a shuttle which brings you to the slopes and back for free. Definitely recommended!

Adrian Popovici

Echipamentul a fost foarte bun, schiurile ascuțite și ceruite, clăpari comozi si casti curate și călduroase.
Am luat câteva ore de schi cu Adrian Dogaru pentru sotia mea și experienta a fost fantastica. Nu numai ca a reușit sa o învețe sa schieze, dar i-a oferit și încredere în ea sa coboare singura. După 5 ședințe a ajuns de la stadiul de începător la a cobori cu încredere pe Sulinar. Recomand sa întrebați de Adrian Dogaru atunci când sunati la centru pentru ore de schi.
Totodata, recomand sa plătiți un avans pentru orele de schi astfel încât sa beneficiați de pretul redus.
De știut, o sedinta de ski cu instructor este de 2 ore.

Kimberly Wong

Super friendly, good value for money, and a 5* service, I would definitely recommend going here for both rental and lessons 👍🏼 We went for 6 days and there were 5 of us. Some had lessons and all used the hire. They have a very efficient shuttle service that picks you up from any of the cable cars/gondolas to and fro the shop.

Andreia Chicos

We had a great time learning snowboard with Rareș. lt was the first time for us doing snowboard and in only 2 hours of lessons and a bit of practice afterwards on our own we were able to slide from the top of the slope without falling 🙂 The snowboard equipment we rent from R&J was of good quality and the staff was very kind and professional. Highly recommended!


Nice experience, the prices are quite competitive, everything Is fast and after all,a car will bring you to the ski cab, the equipment is good and after you finish your ski day a car will come to pick you up. Good team

harry heywood

I had a wonderful experience with the all the Team at R&J, very friendly, understanding staff, and a great range of equipment to suit everybody’s needs.

I had never skied before so I booked two, two hour lessons with Rareș. He was very patient, friendly and clearly knew his stuff. He covered me from the basics to parallel skiing towards the end of the second lesson.
I’m pleased I got some lessons and at a very good price.

Tony Kasssis

Cel mai bun echipament cel mai bun serviciu proprietarii sunt atât de amabili și drăguți, de asemenea, au servicii pentru a te duce de la magazinul de închiriere la slpoes și înapoi, de asemenea, cu instructorii este atât de bun și te pot învăța atât de bine

Corina Valcea

O experiență de 5 stele, foarte recomandată.
Andrei, multumesc pentru aceste zile minunate. Ai fost un instructor extraordinar. Abia aștept să schiăm împreună sezonul viitor. Îmbrățișări!

Laura Moise

Experiența pe care eu și iubitul meu am avut-o aici a fost excelentă! Eram începători când l-am întâlnit prima dată pe Lucian, cel mai bun instructor de schi din Școala de schi R&J. În 3 ore ne-a învățat cum să fim stabili pe schiuri, cum să facem niște viraje, cum să avem o postură corectă.
Cu siguranță vom reveni de fiecare dată în Poiana Brașov să schiăm cu Lucian, cel mai bun instructor de schi, cu atâta răbdare.
Recomand cu căldură R&J Ski School, unde puteți împrumuta și echipamentul cu sfaturi de la proprietarul școlii, pentru a avea cea mai bună potrivire. Ne-au adus și la baza pârtiei cu mașina, un serviciu uimitor.

Radu Burcea

Am avut o experiență uimitoare la R&J Ski School!
A fost prima dată când am făcut snowboard și cu ajutorul instructorului meu Horațiu, am reușit să învăț să călătoresc singur în doar 4 zile (2 ore pe zi). Horațiu este o persoană foarte drăguță și un instructor foarte bun și chill. Per total, m-am distrat minunat și cu siguranță voi reveni din nou!


מקום נהדר ללמוד סקי. פעם ראשונה שהצלחתי לגלוש וזה רק בזכות המדריכה רוקסנה !
אנשים נחמדים, אווירה חגיגית, מחירים סבירים ביותר.
ממליץ מכל הלב !

Cozma M.

Second year in a row with R&J, and we’re feeling like part of the family. I started skiing because of my son, but i’ve learnt to to it properly thanks to the wonderful and very, very patient Roxi, Lucian, Radu. However Horatiu is the one that won the heart of my now 7 yo son, the best ski instructor! I feel lucky that we chose R&J from the beginning 🤘. Thanks, guys, you rock!

Fe Espiritu

O experiența foarte plăcută! Horatiu este un instructor de nota 10! Recomand!

Timea / Orlando

O experienta minunata profesori explica minunat am reusit sa invat in doar 2 lecții (cate 2 ore fiecare).

Laura Man

Multumesc mult,R&J school! Merita toata aprecierea aceasta echipa minunata de profesionisti.Totul a fost la superlativ.Cu siguranta voi reveni cu mare drag.

Ilie Mihaela

R&J ski team is a professional team of amazing people. I had 2 days lessons with Adi (2 hours per day) and it was a great experience. The time passed so quickly with many precise details and quality time spent together. Thank you so much R&J team for the beautiful experience, I will for sure come back for other lessons as well.

Andreea Tampu

Foarte drăguți. Am rezolvat tot intr-o singura locatie: am găsit instructor pentru fetita (pret rezonabil, rezervare cu o zi inainte), am închiriat echipament, echipamente bune și îngrijite, drum dus-intors cu mașina pana la telecabina. Fetita a fost dusa și adusa cu mașina pana la partia Bradul. Ne-au plăcut.

Nicolas Naouri

Great experience with R&J. They are very client oriented, very helpful and very nice. The ski equipment is perfect and the instructors are great (we had 3 instructors).
Thanks to the team (R&J and instructors) for this great time. We will definitely come back !

Vlad Herescu

Extremely satisfied with their services. That staff was very friendly, the equipment was top notch, and they also provided free transport to the cable installation. I think I just found my favorite ski rental in Brasov

Mirela Arustei

Recomand, atât pentru instructori cât și pentru închiriat echipament. Instructori Calificați, profesioniști, răbdători cu cei mici ( noi am interacționat cu Roxana, Horia și Andreea in mai multe rânduri) cu rezultate excelente.
Pe viitor tot cu ei intenționăm sa colaboram.

Andreea Panga

Toata echipa de nota 10! Recomand cu drag! Am avut o experienta foarte faina si placuta aici, curs de initiere ski dupa o reconstructie totala de genunchi. Toate emotiile pe care le-am avut initial au fost repede inlaturate de catre Horatiu, un om cu un suuuper vibe, foarte rabdator si profi. Alaturi de el, chiar se invata de placere!

Dieter Meints

This ski rental ist superb.Very well maintained equipment and a professional and quick service. The staff is friendly and helpful with recommendations. And the plus on top is the drop and pick up service. I made excellent general impressions there, highly recommended.

Cristina Badea

A fost o experienta minunata si o recomand cu caldura.
Am apelat la R&J atat pentru cursuri de initiere pentru adulti, cat si pentru echipament. Am rezervat instructor cu aproximativ o luna inainte de ore. Am inchiriat echipamentul tot de la ei si eu, si alti doi prieteni mai experimentati in schiat cu care am fost in Poiana si toata lumea a fost foarte multumita. Personalul e foarte prietenos si de ajutor. L-am avut instructor pe Andrei care s-a ocupat cu mult profesionalism si rabdare in weekendul meu de initiere in ale schiului. Planul este ca la anul sa revenim tot la ei pentru echipament si pentru cateva ore de lectii (poate chiar in gasca mai mare).

Mihai Ispas

R&J ski school este pentru noi o echipă închegată, cu oameni profesionisti.
Fratele meu a fost foarte încântat de Gino si abia așteaptă ninsoarea sa meargă din nou pe pârtie cu calutii zburători si sa primească la sfârșitul orei bomboane pt execuția lor perfecta.

Kameel Gawi

The best school in Poiana Brasov no doubt this is my 5th time skiing here and i can assure anyone it’s the best service so far very much recommeded.

RaGhad Switat

Best ski school ever ! everything is perfect they’re so nice and kind and the lessons were perfect as well !! Highly recommended

Laura Moise

The experience that me and my boyfriend had here was excellent! We were beginners when we first met Lucian, the best Ski instructor in R&J Ski School. In 3 hours he taught us how to be stable on the skis, how to do some turnings, how to have a correct posture.
For sure we will come back every time in Poiana Brașov to ski with Lucian, the best Ski instructor, with so much patience.
I highly recommend R&J Ski School, where you can also borrow the equipment with advice from the owner of the school, to have the best fitting. They also brought us to the base of the slope by the car, an amazing service.

Radu Burcea

I had an amazing experience at R&J Ski School!
It was my first time snowboarding and with the help from my instructor Horatiu,i managed to learn to ride alone in just 4 days(2 hours a day).Horatiu is a very nice person and a very good and chill instructor. Overall i had an awsome time and will sure come back again!

Dana Assaf

It was a perfect experience
The equipments are amazing
And the team , the instructors are so professional
I recommend them so much

Razvan M.

The best ski instructors I’ve seen are The car is also a nice feature. I recommend this place.

Florin Zobu

Friendly staff, with professional instructors, which provide all the necessary tools to learn skiing. We had a very pleasant experience with them.

Andreea Georgiana

Andreea is the most patient and amazing ski instructor. She helped me improve my skills and gain confidence on the slopes ⛷ while keeping me calm and relaxed. We received the best tips and tricks for our equipment. The entire process in booking our lessons was handled professionally and promptly by the staff. Definitely will come back.

Monica Foszto

My ski lessons with Adi were simply amazing. I thought he taught me a lot in our 4 sessions, and helped me improve my skills and confidence – I couldn’t believe the slopes I’ve been on by the end! I felt really safe and had a lot of fun during my lessons. I couldn’t be happier and can’t wait to be back and ski with him again!

My 8 year old cousin who has never skied before also had 2 lessons with Bogdan – he was extremely patient and caring with her, and she absolutely loved them! Two day later she won’t stop talking about how wonderful it was.

Finally, the organizing part was so easy and the ski school took care of every detail for us (great communication in advance, rent all the gear, transport to/from slope, re-re-scheduling lessons to suit our needs, even let me borrow gloves when I forgot mine). I also found the prices more than reasonable.
The whole team was really professional, very friendly and wonderful to be around. We are incredibly sad to leave, but will definitely return and strongly recommend this ski school to anyone!

Mirela Stefan

I had 2 lessons with Horatiu from R&J Ski School. I was a beginner, never tried skiing before. He was very patient with me and explained everything in details. Also, the booking of the course and the communication with the team was great. I recommend this school if you want to learn how to ski.

Josh Sissons

Great service, friendly staff and good equipment, they offer free transport to the ski slopes and store your items if you rent over multiple days!

Andrei Maftei

High quality gear and very responsible personnel. Even though they may seem to be a bit protective or strict with you what they offer in the beginning, once you prove that you are not trying to ruin the equipment or steal it, renting from and discussing with the instructors working there will totally worth it. Unrelated tip: if you want to eat at the nearby restaurant, be sure to make a reservation beforehand. It’s usually full.

Echipament de înaltă calitate și personal foarte responsabil. Chiar dacă acestea pot părea puțin protectoare sau stricte cu dvs. ceea ce oferă la început, odată ce ați demonstrat că nu încercați să distrugeți echipamentul sau să-l furați, închirierea și discutarea cu instructorii care lucrează acolo va merita cu totul . Sfat fără legătură: dacă doriți să mâncați la restaurantul din apropiere, asigurați-vă că faceți o rezervare în prealabil. De obicei este plin.

Emma Bray

I highly recommend R&J Ski School to anyone wanting to learn to ski in Poiana Braşov. Such a great team: friendly, well organised and experienced! Booking lessons was straightforward via email and the lessons were fun and high quality! I’ll be heading back here again to develop my skills further now!

Ramona Chirita

Mulțumim mult echipei R&J Ski School . Mulțumim in primu rând lui Horatiu pentru răbdare și profesionalism . Am ales aceasta școala după ratingul mare și se pare ca nu ne-am înșelat . După 2 h cu Horatiu atât eu cât și fratele meu am învățat sa schiem. Ne dorim sa ajungem la un nivel mai avansat pe viitor și cu siguranța vom apela tot la voi.


A fost o întâmplare sa ajung la R&J school ski. Copii prietenei mele învăța aici primele tehnici de ski la doar 4 anisori si sunt extrem de încântați de tot personalul de instructaj! Abia așteaptă următoarea lecție. Inițial, scopul meu a fost doar de a închiria echipamentul necesar pentru schi. Nivelul meu de schi credeam ca este unul mediu, însă ulterior după ce am decis ca pe toată perioada șederii sa iau lecții de la un profesionist, mi-am dat seama ca nu era nici pe departe mediu, ci un nivel de începător. In cateva zile de mers pe schiuri impreuna cu Andrei am învățat cat nu am învățat în 5 ani de mers singura pe partii. Mi-am depășit frica de a merge pe o parte neagra (parea imposibila), probabil singura mi-ar fi luat foarte mulți ani sa iau aceasta decizie. Am descoperit ca deși alunecam pe partie, poziția corpului nu era corecta deseori. Cred ca indiferent de nivelul la care schiezi, ajuta extraordinar de mult sa fii privit și corectat din exterior. Multumesc foarte mult pentru sfaturi Andrei, R&J ski school a fost o experienta extraordinara! Recomand cu toată încrederea!

Dana Padurariu

Mulțumesc R&J Ski School pentru amabilitate și pentru profesionalismul de care a dat dovadă. Mulțumesc Adi pentru ca m-ai făcut sa văd ski-ul cu alți ochi. Te felicit pentru răbdarea și capacitatea de a transmite ski-ul. Fără dar și poate nota… 10, cu plus. 😉

Joanna Zakrocki

Taking a ski vacation with 3 young children is not easy but R&J Ski School made it possible and fun. My girls loved the lessons and made great progress. They cannot wait to come back. The team was very accomodating with the shuttle so we could have extra time on the mountain. We have gone skiing in several different countries and this ski school is my favorite.

A lua o vacanță la schi cu 3 copii mici nu este ușor, dar Școala de schi R&J a făcut-o posibilă și distractivă. Fetele mele au iubit lecțiile și au făcut progrese mari. Abia așteaptă să se întoarcă. Echipa a fost foarte primitoare cu naveta, astfel încât să putem avea timp suplimentar pe munte. Am mers la schi în mai multe țări diferite și această școală de schi este preferata mea.

Gabriela Ghiuri

Starting to ski at 30 yo can be a little scary, because you’re conscious of all the mistakes and falls you can have while learning. But Roxana did an amazing job at keeping us calm and relaxed all the way, enjoying every moment, couldn’t believe the lessons( 2 hours) ended so quickly. Can’t wait to return and continue the lessons!

A începe să schiezi la 30 de ani poate fi puțin înfricoșător, pentru că ești conștient de toate greșelile și căderile pe care le poți avea în timp ce înveți. Dar Roxana a făcut o treabă uimitoare, menținându-ne calmul și relaxarea până la capăt, bucurându-ne de fiecare moment, nu-i venea să cred că lecțiile (2 ore) s-au încheiat atât de repede. Abia aștept să reveniți și să continuați lecțiile!

Anne Marie

Amazing place with wonderful people , we will be back soon !!!

Monika Orzelowska

All very good , they put shoes, they rent snowboard and a they put with the car to the place, instructor Horațiu was extremely good. Recomand

Alexandru Pascu

Very welcoming staff! They are passionate about what they are doing and will offer you the best advice and equipment for rental. Guarded parking lot. By the way, ask for the transportation service to the ski slope.

Personal foarte primitor! Sunt pasionați de ceea ce fac și vă vor oferi cele mai bune sfaturi și echipamente pentru închiriere. Parcare păzită. Apropo, cereți serviciul de transport la pârtia de schi.

Matei Pop

Great people, really helpful, it was a pleasure to rent from this pleace

Dragos Gabry

Super profi, prietenosi si seriosi. Baietelul nostru de 5 ani a fost foarte încântat de „prietenii” sai de aici.

Dragos Strainu

O echipa deosebita. Foarte atenți cu cel mic, pentru prima data pe schiuri, foarte fericit!!! Bravo R&J! Mulțumesc Gino!

Oana Hughineata

Cei mai profi! Echipamentul foarte bine întreținut, iar Radu este cel mai tare De fapt, toți sunt super faini!! Abia aștept data viitoare 😍

Vlad Ciobotaru

Great service, they have a shuttle, 5 min to the slope, you can call them anytime to pick you up. They are very nice, I’m a beginner and they always advice me on the equipment. This is the 3rd year I’ve come here and i will be back.

Serviciu excelent, au o navetă, la 5 minute de pârtie, îi puteți apela oricând pentru a vă lua. Sunt foarte drăguți, sunt începător și mă sfătuiesc întotdeauna cu privire la echipament. Acesta este al treilea an în care vin aici și mă voi întoarce.


Fetita mea a mers pentru prima data la ski in acest an si i-a placut enorm. Nu ne asteptam sa fie atat de atrasa de acest sport fiind un copil precaut din fire care nu se aventureaza prea mult. A comunicat foarte bine cu Bogdan (instructorul de ski) si in fiecare zi, inainte de ski, se asigura ca tot el va fii cel care o va invata si astazi. Cand a invatat despre “felia de pizza” a fost distractie maxima! Multumim pentru tot!


A fost prima data la ski pt mine. Imi doream mult sa incerc dar aveam o teama din cauza unui accident avut de un prieten fara experienta in urma cu multi ani asa ca am decis sa apelez la un instructor de ski. Am gasit scoala de schi R&J de unde am inchriat echipamente impecabile si atunci a inceput aventua. Andrei Trifan mi-a fost instructor, mi-am depasit toate limitele datorita lui, a stiut exact cand sa se opreasca, unde sa ma incurajeze, cum sa facem ca sa nu renunt cand era mai dificil. Concluzia e ca mi-a placut enorm, mi-a depasit cu mult asteptarile si cu siguranta ma intorc si anul viitor la ski.

Rogojinoiu Bogdan

The best ski equipment in years.
The shuttle facility is a plus that makes the difference in all Poiana Brasov resort.
I strongly recommend! Nice job!

Cel mai bun echipament de schi din ultimii ani.
Facilitatea de transfer este un plus care face diferența în toată stațiunea Poiana Brașov.
Vă recomandăm cu tărie! Buna treaba!

Catalin Padurariu

Recomand cu încredere școala de ski pentru închiriat echipamente și nu in ultimul rând pentru instructori profesioniști 😀…mulțumesc Adi pentru lecțiile învățate!

Alina Mardare

My 9 year old daughter has just completed 5 morning individual lessons and had the most amazing time.
Nicu was a very good instructor, extremely patient and our daughter liked him!
He made skiing confident and by the end of the lessons skiing together.
Great school and instructors!
We’re already planning to visit again for more lessons!

Florentina Dragomir

Multumim echipei de ski R&J pentru vacanta minunata pe care am avut-o alaturi de ei. Vom reveni !

Alexandru Vasile

Recomandam cu incredere oricui vrea sa se initieze in acest sport !
Profesionalism din partea instructorilor de ski de la R&J din Poiana Brasov.

Mihai Nica

Echipament de calitate si se asigura transportul pana la partie si inapoi. Recomand cu incredere sa inchiriati. Am fost cazati la Casa Emil si a fost foarte comod pentru noi dar este convenabil si daca veniti cu masina pt ca se poate parca acolo.

Tibi Neicu

Instructori plăcuți, veseli si foarte, foarte răbdători (le-am încredințat 3 copii între 8 și 10 ani 3 zile la rând), care știu foarte bine ce au de făcut, echipamentele excelente, transport la si de la pârtie cu autoturismul școlii, proprietarii școlii (Roxana si Janin) foarte receptivi si comunicativi, foarte prietenoși. Cu toții ne-au făcut să ne simțim cei mai importanți, iar copiii au plecat fericiți, încântați că de acum sunt schiori.
Mulțumim si recomandăm tuturor cu garanția satisfacției!
Vom mai veni.

Ale. Alexandra

Instructori de nota 10 . Sunt foarte drăguți si amabili , au foarte multa răbdare , iar echipamentul este foarte bine întreținut. Merita toată încrederea! Mulțumesc tare mult Andrei și Lucian ! Ați fost minunati ! Cu siguranță voi reveni cu mare drag .

Cristian P.

Echipamente foarte bune, personal amabil și profesionalism! Posibilitatea de transport către partie cu auto.

Iliuta Mihai

Am petrecut o săptămâna excelenta in compania acestor minunați oameni.Totul este la superlativ legat de aceasta școala …pornind de la profesionalismul monitorilor pana la calitatea echipamentelor puse la dispoziție de centrul de închirieri de care dispun.Mulțumiri d-nului Janin,Roxanei și lui Horia care au îndrumat copii in primii lor ‘pasi’ in ale schiorului. De asemenea mulțumim lui Lucian și lui Gino pentru ca au avut răbdare cu noi, părinții copiilor și nu in ultimul rând personalului care ne-a ajutat sa ne echipam și domnului șofer care niciodată nu se lasă așteptat la plecarea spre pârtie sau înapoi.
Recomand cu caldura și felicitări întregii echipe pentru profesionalism și calitatea serviciilor!

Mihai Ivanus

Serioși, simpatici și profesioniști

Fiicele noastre au luat lecții de schi timp de 3 zile cu instructorii școlii R&J, și am închiriat de la ei și echipamentul necesar.
Sunt foarte prompți, echipamentul este in stare excelenta (au și mărimi foarte mici!), iar fetele au fost peste măsura de încântate de lecții. Nu ar mai fi coborât de pe pârtie!
Mulțumim dnei Roxana, dlui Janin, domnilor Horatiu și Nicu și domnișoarei Andreea. Abia așteptăm sa revenim!

Iulia Aldea

Iarna aceasta a fost a doua iarna in care am colaborat cu scoala de ski R&J. M-am reintors cu mult drag si entuziasm pentru ca Andrei a trezit in mine iubirea pentru ski. Luasem si inainte ore de ski, dar cu niciun alt instructor nu am reusit sa imi infrang frica si sa imi daram limitele psihice. Pe langa profesionalismul sau si capacitatea de a se face usor inteles, Andrei este plin de viata, optimism si te umple de pozitivismul sau si pasiunea pentru acest sport superb de iarna. Ii voi ramane vesnic recunoscatoare si sunt fericita ca am putut sa cunosc oameni asa deosibiti ca la scoala de ski R&J din Poiana. Va multumesc!


Felicitari pentru profesionalism! Multumiri lui Nicu! Am petrecut cateva zile la munte, in care, sub indrumarea lui Nicu, m-am bucurat cu adevarat de ski. Recomand cu caldura!

Mielu Matei

Echipamente de calitate si instructori foarte buni. Amabilitate si respect pe toate planurile.
Multumim lui Gino pentru răbdare.

Joanna Zakrocki

We had a wonderful experience with the instructors from R&J ski school. Skiing with three children is not easy and R&J ski school made it possible and fun. My girls ages 6 and 9 both made great progress and enjoyed the lessons even with the very cold weather. The team was very accomodating with helping our family shuttle back and forth so we could ski after the lesson. We will be back for sure and recommend to others.


Fiind la un nivel intermediar de a skia, nu m-am interesat prea mult până să ajung aici de ce ar trebui sa am un clăpar bun , uscat, fix pe picior fără sa te strângă, fără ca la finalul zilei după ce îl dai jos, a 2 a zi sa nu vrei sa mai skiezi ca ti-a făcut bătături pe alocuri sau mai știu eu ce.
La fel ca și în cazurile skiurilor… dacă sunt ascuțite ,0 îți permit mai ușor a skia șamd.
Întâmplarea face că am descoperit în Poiana chiar într-o parcare generoasa ca și locuri și totodată ca și preț, pentru doar 20 de lei parcarea/ zi comparativ cu alți care cer 15 lei / h , am descoperit centru de închirieri echipamente R&J de care nu pot spune decât lucruri bune.
Amabilitate iesita din comun , foarte comunicativi și gata să îți răspundă la orice întrebare oricât de bizara sau proastă te-ai putea gândi ca este.
Pe lângă amabilitate îți pot oferi detalii de care nu ai cunoștințe în ce privește echipamentul. Echipamentele comparativ cu alte centre care ofera același lucru sunt top și drept urmare ma fac acum sa las o recenzie în a îndruma posibili clienți pentru un business bine pus la punct pana la cel mai mic detaliu.
Unul dintre avantaje este transportul de la centru pana la pârtie gratis cu o mașină destinata special pentru acest scop deoarece nefiind situat ca și centru de închirieri și școala de instructaj chiar cu o poziție favorabila față de pârtie ,lumea prefera ce e aproape de pârtie, dar nu întotdeauna ce e aproape e bun și ieftin.
Că, sa fim serioși, cu toți am devenit comozi și dacă ar putea fi posibil sa ne dam jos din mașină direct în telegondola ar fi perfect.
Clapar , ski, bete per persoana /60 de ron comparativ cu alte centre care sunt lângă pârtie fiind 70 sau 65 per persona.
E de înțeles oarecum dacă privești din perspectiva celor ce își exercită activitatea lângă pârtie ca și business.( posibil chiria locației mai mare sau n motive)
Recomand cu încredere tuturor,cu siguranță vom reveni.


Am fost impresionata frumos de amabilitatea cu care am fost tratata de personalul centrului de închirieri ski cat și de calitatea echipamentului care este superioara celorlalte centre de închirieri. Deși nu se afla aproape de partia de ski, aceștia oferă gratuit transportul pana pe pârtie.Cu siguranță vom reveni!

George Pancescu

A wonderful ski school with excellent services and very friendly people!
Roxana was very helpful in providing all the information I needed to enroll in this wonderful journey of learning how to ski, and acted very professional in the entire communication process. I had the pleasure of having Nicu as my instructor and, although at the beginning I was a little bit tense, he managed to keep me calm and motivated me to go on; he was very patient and provided very thorough explanations that helped me understand the dynamics of skiing, always correcting me along the way whenever my posture was not correct – and for that I would like to extend my gratitude towards him, and overall towards the R&J Ski School.
I highly recommend R&J Ski School, no matter how experienced you are!

Georgeta Mielu

Conditiile de schi nu tocmai ideale dar a compensat profesionalismul echipei si in special al lui Gino, un instructor plin de rabdare si de bun simt.
Ne vedem din nou cu prima ninsoare ! 🙂

Octavian Andrei Brezean

Today we have taken our kids skiing. My 7 year old boy is not into new unknown challenges and my 5 year old daughter does not go with unknown people. But with Roxana everything went smooth, easy and after two hours the kids could ski alone, encouraged and verbally instructed by Roxana.
They both listened to her friendly instructions and trusted her. I can definitely say she has a way with kids. We will definitely come back for more ski lessons.
The equipment they rented was in very good condition and we were taken by car to and from the bottom of the slope to the rental shop, and back after the lessons.

only management

Echipamente de calitate si monitori bine instruiti…o sa revenim cu siguranta

Cudrici Sebastian

Copiii mei au petrecut patru zile minunate in masivul Postavaru alături de doi instructori dedicati: Lucian si Andrei. Calitatea echipamentelor închiriate este foarte bună și preturile moderate. Recomand tuturor! Multumim Scolii de schi R&J pentru tot!

Daniel Kis Rus

Profesionalism si multa rabdare ,o sa revin cu drag !

Ispas Cosmin Mihai

Servicii excelente,profesori bine pregătiți cu echipamente pe măsură

Dan Antonescu

Foarte multumit!

Isaac Araya

hola a todos, yo queria dar las gracias a los chicos sobre todo a Janin y Florin que dan un trato especial, llevo 5 años viajando a Poiana Brasov para esquiar, yo solo alquilo material pero yo os aseguro que para mi es el mejor local de alquiler de Poiana Brasov, tienen material de primera calidad a precios asequibles y proporcionan transporte directo a las pistas en furgoneta pars tu comodidad, tambien como dije antes el trato es muy bueno siempre atentos a ti… Gracias Janin el proximo año estaremos de vuelta.. Y super gracias a Florin el chico encargado del alquiler de material es muy buena gente.. Un gran saludo Isaac de Tenerife/España

Ramon Rodriguez

The best snowboard school i could ever choose! I spent two days with my private instructor Eddie and it was just great time, profesional and fun!! The equipment was in good condition and the staff really nice. Thank you guys and when i will come back no doubth i will be there again!

Eitan Gal

Excellent service, good and well taken care of equipment. Staf is very friendly and helpful.

Pauline Hartree

Excellent, friendly service and communication from start to finish. The team were attentive and helpful at all times and matched us with the perfect instructor; Lucien was infinitely patient and calm – just what we needed as 60+ practically first time skiers. Thank you for a fun week in Poiana Brasov!

Florin Pasare

Scoala de schi cu monitori profesionisti, atat pentru copii cat si pentru adulti. Recomand cu incredere!

Conor O'Driscoll

what a great trip the slopes at Poiana Brasov made 10 times better by the people at R&J ski rental and school. They are so friendly there !! My ski Instructor Radu was excellent , very good at skiing and very good at teaching , He would not switch off on the chair lifts, he would explain what I’m doing wrong and recommend what i could do to improve. My friend’s ski instructor Edward was also excellent according to my friend. We even went for lunch with them as they told us about the area and where to visit. My trip to Romania was made by these guys ! so make sure to chose R&J ski school!


Oamenii sunt foarte amabili și profesioniști – instructorul pe care l-am avut, Horațiu, ne-a explicat cu răbdare și bună dispoziție fiecare lucru. Ne-a părut foarte bine că am apelat la un instructor pentru prima zi pe snowboard și, cu atât mai mult, că am ales acest loc. Ne-am bucurat și că școala e aproape de stația de autobuz (Brașov – Poiană) și, chiar dacă nu am mers cu mașina până acolo, am auzit că au cea mai ieftină parcare din stațiune 🙂.

Cristian P

Excellent ski school, awesome trainers, great services


N-as fi crezut acum 1 luna de zile ca iarna chiar e asa frumoasa! De pe margine totdeauna mi s-a parut rece si friguroasa. Dar acum vad cat e de frumoasa si chiar nu e friguroasa! Roxana a fost cea care mi-a dat incredere in propriile forte si m-a facut sa vad cu alti ochi schiatul. Dupa ce ani de zile am stat la baza partiei urmarindu-i pe copiii mei cum schiaza, m-am hotarat brusc ca e timpul sa ma apuc si eu de schiat. Multumesc intregii echipe R&J Ski School! Chiar ma simt ca intr-o familie ori de cate ori ajung la sediu. Tot personalul este foarte amabil si se asigura ca ai tot confortul cu echipamentul si toate celelalte. Bus-ul propriu care te duce la partie este chiar de un real folos! Multumesc R&J!

Chris Davenport

Thank you so much to Radu and Andre for improving our skiing level from ok to great and more confident 👍👍👍👍 Chris and Isabelle 🎿 🎿 🎿

Roberto Thomas

Awesome place! Very kind people and good prices. I went there as a complete beginner and had a good time taking snowboard lessons. Big thanks to Horatio and Eddy for their time with me on the slopes!

Marta Cozma

Second year in a row with R&J, and we’re feeling like part of the family. I started skiing because of my son, but i’ve learnt to to it properly thanks to the wonderful and very, very patient Roxi, Lucian, Radu. However Horatiu is the one that won the heart of my now 7 yo son, the best ski instructor! I feel lucky that we chose R&J from the beginning 🤘. Thanks, guys, you rock!

Tomer Alter

Perfect snowboard experience from these guys
The ski guide was super nice helpful and informative. Had a blast. Looking forward for next year

Eduard Rojoc

Recomand cu toata increderea!
Am decis sa invat a schia impreuna cu fata mea(7 ani), dupa doar 4 ore de instuctie cu Roxana, mi s a spus de catre prieteni ca schiez cu schiau ei dupa 3 ani(fara a lua lectii de ski), in acelasi timp fata mea care a fost instruita de catre Andreea schiaza fara a trebuii sa imi fac griji pentru ea si destul de bine incat sa se bucure de acest sport( a reusit sa conoare relaxat „drumul rosu” Poiana Brasov in 45 min. Daca vreti sa invatati sa schiati, asta e scoala pe care o cautati.

shay sharabi

I saw on Google that there were good reviews so I went there, when I arrived I saw why there were good reviews, amazing staff and nice people, Andrei guided my 11 year old girl and managed to do a great job, the girl was very connected to him, and also an amazing janin.

Florin Anghel

Mulțumim R&J Ski School, și în mod special lui Horia pentru răbdarea și profesionalismul cu care l-a învățat pe cel mic să schieze.

Dan Yanson

Upon booking lessons at the R&J School, we arrived at their office some distance away from the actual slope and had all skiing equipment fitted for everyone in our party. Just be aware that EU boot sizes 34 and up are billed at adult rate, which was a bit surprising for our 10-y.o. son.

We were then shuttled away to the slope where our party was split into two sub-groups according to age and proficiency. The instructors were very helpful and worked hard to build confidence in our budding skiers. They effectively put in more than an hour’s instruction even through we’d only booked an hour’s lesson. By the end of the lesson, the kids were able to use the ski lift and slalom down the slope with the greatest of ease – and enjoyment! The instructors used their ski lift passes to pay for our kids until we purchased access cards for them.

Overall, we feel that it was a worthwhile investment of time and money, with the kids begging for more skiing at the end of the day! Highly recommended!

Galina Yanson

Заранее забронировав уроки в школе R&J, мы прибыли в их офис, находящийся на некотором расстоянии от лыжного склона. В офисе нам подготовили и подогнали все лыжное снаряжение для каждого участника нашей группы. Имейте в виду, что снаряжение с европейскими размерами сапог 34 и больше оплачиваются по взрослому тарифу, что было немного удивительно для нашего 10-летнего сына.

Затем нас отвезли на склон, где все участники были разделены на две подгруппы в зависимости от возраста и уровня подготовки. Инструкторы очень много помогали и усердно работали, чтобы придать самоуверенность нашим начинающим лыжникам. Они фактически занимались с детьми больше часа несмотря на то, что мы забронировали только часовой урок. К концу урока наши дети научились использовать горнолыжный подъемник и скатывались слаломом по склону с превеликой легкостью и удовольствием! Инструкторы даже использовали свои абонементы на подъемники для оплаты за наших детей, пока мы не купили для них собственные карточки доступа.

В целом, мы считаем, что это было стоящее вложение времени и денег – особенно, когда дети не хотят сходить с лыж в конце дня! Искренно рекомендуем!

Dan Chitu

Suntem foarte mulțumiti de rabdarea si profesionalismul Andreei. Aceasta a reusit sa capeteze perfect atentia si cooperarea fiul nostru de aproape 4 ani si jumatate. Multumim!

Cri Muntean

We had a great experience!! I highly recommend you to choose this school for the quality of the teaching combined with the relaxed and friendly atmosphere. The quality of the teaching is awesome and the ski instructors are very professional. A simple call and all was set in a few minutes.Our 3 years old girl can’t wait to come again and meet her instructor Gino,a great and warm person. They helped her every day to get equipped and the driver took us every morning to the slope. We have just nice words for the team! Hope to see you soon!!

Cojocaru Cristian avut ca monitori atat pe Dan cat si pe Andrei. Sunt instructori de schi superbi. Au rabdare, intelegere si buna colaborare pe partie. Toate sfaturile pe care dat sunt de folos in a practica acest sport. De asemenea, echipamentul pentru schi este de foarte buna calitate. Recomand cu caldura si incredere aceasta scoala de schi. Cu drag din Constanța, Cristian & Oana.


Upon booking a lesson at the R&J School, we arrived at their office some distance away from the actual slope and had all skiing equipment fitted for everyone in our party. Just be aware that EU boot sizes 34 and up are billed at adult rate, which was a bit surprising for our 10-y.o. son.

We were then shuttled away to the slope where our party was split into two sub-groups according to age and proficiency. The instructors were very helpful and worked hard to build confidence in our budding skiers. They effectively put in more than an hour’s instruction even through we’d only booked an hour’s lesson. By the end of the lesson, the kids were able to use the ski lift and slalom down the slope with the greatest of ease – and enjoyment! The instructors used their ski lift passes to pay for our kids until we purchased access cards for them.

Overall, we feel that it was a worthwhile investment of time and money, with the kids begging for more skiing at the end of the day!
Highly recommended!


Заранее забронировав уроки в школе R&J, мы прибыли в их офис, находящийся на некотором расстоянии от лыжного склона. В офисе нам подготовили и подогнали все лыжное снаряжение для каждого участника нашей группы. Имейте в виду, что снаряжение с европейскими размерами сапог 34 и больше оплачиваются по взрослому тарифу, что было немного удивительно для нашего 10-летнего сына.

Затем нас отвезли на склон, где все участники были разделены на две подгруппы в зависимости от возраста и уровня подготовки. Инструкторы очень много помогали и усердно работали, чтобы придать самоуверенность нашим начинающим лыжникам. Они фактически занимались с детьми больше часа несмотря на то, что мы забронировали только часовой урок. К концу урока наши дети научились использовать горнолыжный подъемник и скатывались слаломом по склону с превеликой легкостью и удовольствием! Инструкторы даже использовали свои абонементы на подъемники для оплаты за наших детей, пока мы не купили для них собственные карточки доступа.

В целом, мы считаем, что это было стоящее вложение времени и денег – особенно, когда дети не хотят сходить с лыж в конце дня! Искренно рекомендуем!

Ioana Brad

Multumim si felicitari intregii echipe! Amabilitate, atentie la detalii, totul pus la punct de la primul email/ telefon pana la predarea echipamentului.
Aprecieri speciale pentru Horatiu! Metoda, rabdare, motivare si, nu in ultimul rand, bucuria de a fi pe zapada!

Pautov Misha

Am cautat scoala de schi pe google si am ales R&J pentru ratingul mare, si nu m-am inselat. Au raspuns prompt la telefon, au organizat imediat 3 instructori, ne-au pus al dispozitie echipament foarte calitativ. Transport cu masina spre si de la partie. Datorita lor Anastasia (5ani) schizaza dupa 2 ore de instructaj. Multumim R&J!


Felicitari intregii echipe! Sunt niste oameni deosebiti. Baietelul meu Mihai de 6 ani a intrat in centrul de inchirieri plangand iar dupa doua zile datorita instructorului Cezar Paslaru ii va cere Mosului anul acesta o pereche de skiuri. 🙂
Cezar este un instructor extraordinar, si il recomandam cu caldura. Mihai l-a indragit dupa prima ora.
Echipament de calitate. Servicii exceptionale.
Multumim si ne vom intoarce la voi cu drag!

Eva bujac

Ii multumesc antrenorului Alex pentru ca m-a invatat sa skiez. Mi-a placut atunci cand am urcat cu teleskiul pana in varful muntelui si am skiat 5 km!!! Sper sa mai revin o data in acest an! (Eva, 8 ani)

Stancu Laura

Sunt foarte multumita de lectiile de schi primite, atat eu cat si fetita mea, pe care datorita lui Horia am reusit sa o punem pe schiuri la 3 ani, iar anul acesta, la 4 ani, progresele sunt vizibile, iar ea este ft incantata de el. Eu, am schiat cu Dan, pt prima data in viata mea si am fost uimita ca in doar 2 ore am reusit sa fac cateva coborari singura. Ii recomand pe Horia si Dan. Fac o treaba excelenta!

Pautov Misha

Am cautat scoala de schi pe google si am ales R&J pentru ratingul mare, si nu m-am inselat. Au raspuns prompt la telefon, au organizat imediat 3 instructori, ne-au pus al dispozitie echipament foarte calitativ. Transport cu masina spre si de la partie. Datorita lor Anastasia (5ani) schizaza dupa 2 ore de instructaj. Multumim R&J!

Alexandru Dan

Profi și foarte prietenoși. Fetița mea se simte extraordinar cu ei! După prima ora, a reușit sa o urce cu teleschiul !! Ca instructoare, o recomandam pe Andreea! Are multă răbdare cu copiii !!! Am ajuns la aceasta scoala după un search pe google, prima data am ajuns la Eden Ski, pentru prima lecție … am fost oarecum multumiți fiind prima data pentru ea și neștiind sa facem diferența cu alte scoli. A2a lecție, am dorit tot la ei și întâmplarea a făcut sa nu aibe instructoare liberă, așa ca am început căutările pe google și am ajuns aici!!!!
Aici, fata de Eden, am primit bon fiscal,( nu decontez dar dacă se întâmpla ceva, ai cu ce demonstra ca ai fost la ei…) instructoarea mai prietenoasa cu copiii iar echipa ce am întâlnit-o acolo, la fel !!! Am fost invitat intr-un centru / sediu/ locație, cum i’o zice… tot acolo închiriază și echipament. Per total, fata de Eden SKI suntem mai multumiți aici. Din păcate nu reușesc sa adaug pozele

Teo Marin

Am întâlnit niște oameni deosebiți, cărora le mulțumesc din suflet pentru instructajul profesionist acordat băieților mei, care, după două ore…, alunecau cu încredere pe pârtie, cu toate că o făceau pentru prima dată… Solicitați cu încredere serviciile acestei școli de schi și nu veți regreta alegerea făcută ! Mulțumim mult, Lucian !

Gavril Raducanu

Am schiat de câteva ori înainte dar știam ca ceva nu era in regula la postura mea( simțeam o presiune pe partea de jos a spatelui si nu reușeam sa fac întoarcerea ținând skiurile paralel). După două zile de lecții cu Lucian am observat o mare diferență si pentru prima data m am bucurat de ski cu adevărat
Mulțumesc si țineți sus munca buna!

Eva Evantiayvv

Cea mai buna scoala de sky, cei mai buni instructori de schi, surorile Alexia foarte incantate de experienta. Super, sa o tineti tot asa. Va multumim

Diana Crainiciuc

This is my and my brother’s second visit to R&J Ski-School. We spent one whole day on the slopes with the help of Lucian. It was great. My brother is more experienced than I am, but Lucian adapted to both of us and also encouraged me to go down the „Drumul Rosu” slope. I was so happy that I managed to do it with his help. Very patient and positive.
We will certainly keep coming back.
Great people!


For me it was the first time I learned to ski with Dan, who was very very good, making me trust myself more than I would have expected, will definitely come again. We also had 2 kids with different instructors (3 and 5 year old) and they had a great time. I would also like to mention that the equipment was very good quality.

Oglindoiu Daniel Cristinel

Tudor ar fi oferit 1000 de stele. Deci… cei mai buni.


My brother and I have had a great time learning how to ski today. My instructor, Miss Andreea, such a kind and warm person, taught me lots of techniques and tricks. By the end of our lesson, she helped me overcome my fear and made me realise how fun skiing can be. It has definitely become a passion for me. The time we spent together flew away so quickly, although well spent, and we even become friends. I’m definitely going to see her again; for another lesson! Additionally, the facilities and equipment offered by R&J Ski School are excellent-new and well maintained. I would definitely recommend it to all my friends, as a great and friendly time is guaranteed. Thank you so much Andreea.

הייא ש

We went there without booking they accept us welcoming they did the maximum and we get a private lesson for 2 hr.
We were 3 with two amazing instructors : andrei and dan , they are very friendly ,professional and veryy very patient with passion to teach and they took a great care to ensure our safety.
It was a great exprience for the first time and definetly not the last , special thanks to dan and andrei for an amazing day full of energy and fun.
Anyone who’s in brasov i highly recommend to try this exprience with R&J ski school , perfect team , service and instructors.


My husband and I went to R&J without a booking and were lucky to get a private lesson for 2 on the spot!( Reservation in advance advised) In general, the ski school boosts a warm and hospitable vibe; the ski instructors are also highly experienced and professional. Thanks to Eddie and Andrew for their patience and who took great care to ensure our safety. Never imagined we would make such progress for my first time ski lesson. Highly recommended if you are coming to Poniana.

Lewis & Jan

Great instructors and friendly staff
„I spent a week here in poiana Braşov snowboarding with R&J ski school, my friend and I are taking individual lessons with Horadiu and Eddie. They are both great instructors with enthusiasm and passion to teach. Special thanks to my instructor Horadiu who is professional, patient, and encouraging all the time.

In addition, all staffs here are very nice and willing to help with not only the lessons but also all sorts of other stuff like shopping and sightseeing options…etc. I highly recommend R&J ski to whoever is looking for a ski or snowboard vacation.”

Hugh M

Good ski school
Visited R&J in March 2019 school was professional, pleasant instructors with good tuition ,my little girl really liked Roxanna. We also hired equipment with them which also was excellent.

thomas zimmermann

Très pro, très bon prix, merci beaucoup.

Billy Rudni

היינו הבן שלי ואני שמעולם לא גלשנו ואחרי שעתיים גלשנו בצורה מושלמת צוות מאוד מסביר פנים מומלץ להזמין מראש ואז יש הנחה
עלה לנו בערך 500 שח” להדרכה של שעתיים כולל ציוד

Yaniv Cohen

This is our second year to get our ski equipment and ski lessons in Poiana Brasov.
The team is helpful and professional. The equipment is new and in good condition.
We took Horia Negulici as an instructor, which turn out as a very good decision. The kids learned skiing easily, safely and with a smile and tolerance.
Great pick!!

Anthony Bate

My family was skiing blacks by the end of the week.
The R&J Ski School and shop was terrific. Our youngest child had „H” as a private instructor and went from beginner to doing black slopes by the last day. „H” was a great teacher and true professional. Our child wanted to text him after we left. The others in our party wanted to learn to Snowboard. They had Eddy as an instructor and he was amazing. He had a first time skier/snow boarder up and snow boarding on the first day. Our older child loved it so much he stayed working with Eddy the entire week and was carving up the slopes by the end of our trip. Eddy too is a great instructor and watched for safety to make sure people don’t get hurt. Conditions became icy and dangerous and Eddy decided it was unsafe to be on the slope. He wants people to have fun and not get hurt. The professionals in the ski shop were also wonderful to deal with. And the shuttle got us to the different gondola within minutes. We would return to Poiana and would use R&J Ski School again.

Colm O Gorman

Truly excellent ski school
Really fantastic ski school and equipment hire shop. Very welcoming, and really great value. I really cannot recommend them highly enough. They take care of everything, equipment, lessons, ski passes for lessons and transfers from the school to the slopes.

The staff are amazingly helpful, and the instructors are brilliant. I had never skied before, but after just four hours of lessons, my instructor had me confidently zipping down the slopes. As a result I’m entirely hooked on skiing, and will definitely be back. A huge ‘thank you’, to everyone at R&J Ski School. You were wonderful.

Alexandra Stoica

Cu mare drag scriu acest review. Mulțumesc echipei pentru modul de predare, răbdarea și amabilitatea de care a dat dovadă. Mulțumim Roxana! Am fost 3 începători cu o plajă de vârstă mare și toți am plecat cu satisfacția unei lecții învățate.

Adina Constantinescu

Buna!De ceva vreme mi-am propus sa scriu cateva impresii ce tin de experienta mea si a familiei mele cu R&J Ski Scool…Copiii mei in varsta de 10 si respectiv 8 ani sunt al treilea an alaturi de instructoarea Ilka Kis,la adresa careia am doar cuvinte de lauda…e rabdatoare,e profi si dedicata copiilor,asa a fost in cazul nostru,ai mei o indragesc mult…eu si sotul meu am luat anul acesta lectii de ski pt prima data alaturi de instructorul Horia Negulici,despre care de asemenea as putea vorbi tare frumos,este un baiat cu mult bun simt,si cu rabdare si tare priceput…nu stiu sa zic cum si ce ne-a facut,dar dupa 3 zile coboram Drumul Rosu aproape fara probleme…Pe ambii instructori ii recomand cu toata increderea…Am apreciat mult de tot ca au transfer cu masina de la centru la partii,conteaza f. mult…Roxana si Janin,niste persoane tare amabile,de asemenea dl.Florin de la receptie ne-a ajutat si ne-a sfatuit referitor la echipamentul de ski,pt ca am inchiriat de la ei si echipamentul….In concluzie,recomand…am intalnit oameni chiar pe tiparul nostru,am fost pe aceesi lungime de unda si sigur vom reveni.Anul acesta am fost o data in ianuarie si inca o sapt in februarie,a fost din ce in ce mai bine…Multumim pt Tot!

שלומי ניר - קייטרינג ואירועים

ביהס הכי טוב ברומניה!!יחס מעולה,מחירים טובים.
מומלץ בחום!!

Moti Heller

אנשים מדהימים יחס ממש טוב מחירים מצויינים המורים עם הרבה סבלנות בקיצור שווה שווה . שנה הבאה אנחנו פה עוד פעם.

Kameel G

Amazing ski trip experience!!
Warm welcoming, friendly and very experienced!
I wouldn’t pick any other place in Poiana Brașov other than this shop!
Legit excellent equipment, great service and amazing ski teaching.
Even in a group of different ski levels everyone had an amazing time!

Definitely repeating it next year again!

Klarit Wolf

Super recomended!!!
My 10 years old son had two days lessons with wondeful Roxana. He had a great time, advanced unbelivebly fast, secound day did the mountain sloops. They have managed very good altought he does not speek that good english. Realy great experiance. Big big thank you to Roxana.
We wish to come again.

Gali Lazarovitch